23 Sep 2000


  • Location Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Owner Mundo Marino S.A.
  • Distributor Nodulo, S.A.

Mundo Marino S.A. is one of South America's largest marine parks and the only aquarium on the continent that houses Orcas. At more than 31 meters (100 feet) in diameter, 5 meters (16 feet) deep and with a volume of 3.55 million liters (940,000 gallons), the main aquarium pool at Mundo Marino S.A. is the largest in South America.

While designing and constructing the pool, the facility owner and contractor faced a number of key challenges. Since the aquarium would be home to dolphins, whales and other sea creatures, all construction materials needed to be strictly non-toxic. In addition, salt water is known for corroding and damaging concrete and speeding up the deterioration of conventional waterproofing membranes, which are expensive to repair and replace.


To replace conventional membranes and extend the life of the aquarium tank, Mundo Marino S.A. used Kryton's Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) in the pre-cast tank panels as well as in the beams and columns supporting them.

KIM permanently seals concrete , significantly reducing or eliminating corrosion due to salt water. Because it lasts the entire life of the concrete and self-seals any small cracks which develop due to settling or seismic activity, KIM will save maintenance and repair costs throughout the life of the tank.

Equally important, KIM is certified non-toxic by NSF International, a widely respected third-party certification provider that develops national standards for food, indoor air, the environment and water.

Today, the aquarium pool at Mundo Marino S.A. is free of cracks and corrosion, and the whales, dolphins and other inhabitants appear happy and content within their new habitat.

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