09 Jun 2016

Protecting the Focal Point of Hong Kong from Water Ingress

  • Location Hong Kong, China
  • Owners/Developers Sino Group and Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.
  • Architect/Engineer Dennis Lau & NG Chun Man Architects & Engineers (HK) Ltd.
  • Contractor Building Material International Ltd.
  • Distributor Chevalier (Building Supplies & Engineering) Ltd.

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Developed by the Sino Group and Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. in Hong Kong, Central Plaza towers 78 stories into the sky. While surrounded by many other magnificent structures, its height and bold architectural concepts have made it a significant focal point in the city.

Its tall, unique build would make many assume that its construction would take quite some time to build. However, the construction team that originally built Central Plaza completed the project in a relatively short amount of time. In fact, the team’s main motivation was to use methods and technologies that would allow them to build in the most efficient and time-sensitive way possible.

Unfortunately, over the years, the below grade concrete for Central Plaza’s parking began leaking. In response, the construction team started looking for a durable solution to fix the issue. They wanted to avoid the worst of the water ingress, which could cause a number of issues for the concrete, including the corrosion of rebar. If water is able to react with the rebar, the rebar will rust, weaken, and expand, causing the concrete to deteriorate from the inside, which leaves the entire structure at risk.


To protect Central Plaza from this water ingress, the construction team decided to repair it with Krystol T1, a surface-applied crystalline slurry treatment that transforms new or existing concrete into a permanent waterproofing barrier.

The use of this product turned out to be a successful choice. In fact, not only was Krystol T1 easy to apply, speeding up installation time, but it also saved the team money in the long run by fixing the leaks permanently. To add to that, Krystol T1 also increased the concrete’s quality and durability, which will decrease future building maintenance and repair costs.

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