Vancouver, B.C. – (June 20, 2009) – With the construction industry hit hard by the global economic decline, Kryton International is proposing a way for ready mixers to stimulate business and achieve higher returns from the concrete they sell.
According to the Portland Cement Association, cement consumption is expected to decline 17% during 2009. There is no place to hide. All market segments and all regions are expected to record significant declines in consumption during 2009[1] . For ready mixers, this means an even tougher year ahead with revenues in Western Canada already down on average 25 to 30 per cent[2] . Global cement sales for Lafarge Group – a leader in building materials worldwide – are an example of the tough economic times, down nine per cent in the first quarter of 2009 while operating income is down 18 per cent.
“The ready mix industry has hit some challenging times. There is less concrete being laid and budgets are being squeezed,” says Kari Yuers, CEO of Kryton International. “We know that we can help put more dollars in their pockets and we can do it quickly.”
Yuers explains that the KIM admixture is a value-added product that enhances the performance of concrete. “As a result, ready mixers can command a premium for their concrete,” says Yuers. “It also opens up an entirely new revenue stream by giving them access to waterproofing dollars that would normally go to waterproofing applicators. It puts that money in the pockets of ready mixers.”
Kryton International developed the world’s first crystalline waterproofing admixture, which transforms porous concrete into an impermeable barrier. The Krystol™ Concrete Waterproofing System relies on proprietary Krystol chemicals to waterproof concrete. When combined with water and concrete, Krystol reacts with un-hydrated cement particles to form millions of needle-like crystals. These crystals grow and fill the naturally occurring pores and voids in concrete, permanently blocking water flow. If cracks form due to settling or shrinkage, incoming water triggers the crystallization process again, even years after the concrete has set. More crystals grow, filling the new cracks and ensuring the waterproof barrier is maintained and protected.
A key component of the Krystol Concrete Waterproofing System is Kryton’s flagship product, Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM®). KIM is a cementitious chemical admixture that is added directly to the concrete mix, eliminating the need for conventional external waterproofing membranes. It is compatible with most supplementary cementing materials such as superplasticizers and accelerators. In addition, KIM can be used in mixes containing fly ash, silica fume and slag cement. KIM provides a permanent waterproofing solution for the life of the concrete.
Kryton has also just launched the first integral waterproofing certification program designed specifically for ready mixers. Known as KIM Certification, the free program provides assurance to contractors and confidence to ready mix suppliers. Certification verifies that participants understand how to properly and effectively use KIM.
“In today’s tough economic environment, it’s important to get the most out of every yard of concrete you sell,” explains Yuers. “Using KIM and becoming certified gives ready mixers one more tool in their sales arsenal, helping them to maximize their dollars and build a reliable and trustworthy reputation.”
[1] From the Portland Cement Association, Forecast Report – 2009 U.S. Spring Forecast (Ed Sullivan, Chief Economist)
[2] From the BC Ready Mix Concrete Association, June 11, 2009