Maintain Quality for Critical Infrastructure without Increasing Monetary or Carbon Costs  

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Choose Smart Concrete

A city’s concrete infrastructure plays a crucial role to the well-being of both families and businesses. After all, it’s what makes it possible for them to access the basic necessities of life, such as clean water and energy. But to keep this access going, infrastructure requires engineering solutions that extend its service life as much as possible while keeping its construction and operational costs low. On top of that, there’s a higher demand for infrastructure to be sustainably built to mitigate any impact it might have on global warming. All of which can make infrastructure projects a challenge to construct, especially when there are concerns surrounding concrete monitoring, water ingress, chemical attack, abrasion, erosion, and corrosion.

Overcome it all with Smart Concrete solutions. These time-proven and third-party tested products make it easy for engineers to develop infrastructure that meets all those needs while also providing it with reliable quality assurance from concrete monitoring, permanent waterproofing and leak repairs, and abrasion and erosion resistance. They also come with expert technical support to guarantee that the infrastructure requirements are fulfilled in the most optimal way.

Concrete Waterproofing

For 40 years, Kryton’s KIM® waterproofing admixture has given engineers and governments the ability to protect concrete infrastructure from water ingress, chemical attack, and corrosion.

It does all this with the following proven advantages:

•  Having decades of testing by authorities such as the University of Hawai‘i

•  Using proprietary technology to reduce concrete permeability by 80% or more

•  Eliminating pathways for water and waterborne contaminants

•  Reducing the chances of chemical attack and corrosion

•  Being non-toxic and safe for potable water with NSF/ANSI 61 certification

•  Enhancing the quality of infrastructure concrete

•  Minimizing the number of concrete repair and replacement sessions

•  Decreasing how much carbon-intensive cement is used

•  Lowering overall operational costs and lifetime carbon footprint for projects

•  Having a 25-year warranty and tech support

•  Working with the Krystol® Waterstop System to protect joints and details

All of this can even be further protected with Kryton’s Krystol Assurance Program™. This offers a 10-year performance warranty that guarantees any areas treated with Krystol® technology like KIM or some products from the Krystol Waterstop System will remain watertight. It also offers additional benefits, such as waterproofing design consultation, on-site training and inspections, ready-mix supplier support, and detailed record-keeping and reporting.

Get more technical details on KIM >

Concrete Durability

A revolutionary admixture, Hard-Cem® has made it possible throughout its 20 years of field performance for over 80 million ft2 of concrete to resist harsh abrasive and erosive environments.

That’s all due to the following proven advantages:

•  Strengthening cement paste with its unique metal-mineral microstructure

•  Reducing concrete’s susceptibility to wear and tear

•  Proving via third-party testing it can more than double concrete wear life

•  Reducing the number of replacement and repair sessions a structure will have

•  Lowering the need for carbon-intensive cement

•  Decreasing a project’s lifetime carbon footprint

It all proves that Hard-Cem is a great solution for producing highly resilient infrastructure with lower maintenance and carbon costs.

Get more insight on how Hard-Cem is cost-effective and reliable in the long-term >


Feature Case Studies

For 50 years, many government organizations and engineers have relied on Kryton’s Smart Concrete solutions to create cost-effective, sustainable facilities for a variety of sectors, including the water containment, wastewater treatment, and energy fields.

TreePeople Cistern

This 950,000-liter (250,000-gallon) cistern is the largest of its kind in the USA and was designed to capture rainwater to irrigate gardens and forests. But maintenance and repair access to it would be impossible. So to extend its service life and reduce costs, the owner waterproofed it with KIM and the Krystol Waterstop System.

Las Maravillas 

Worried about keeping this wastewater treatment plant expansion operational without deterioration in quality, the construction team went with an engineer’s recommendation for KIM and the Krystol Waterstop System. That’s kept the plant expansion running optimally and free of leakages.

White River Hydro

To avoid loss of structural integrity and downtime for repairs while still employing Exposure Class F1 concrete, the White River Hydro construction team turned to Hard-Cem. That allowed them to improve structural safety, maintain hydraulic capacity, functionality, and mitigate the need for costly repair work.


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